I started this post the week of Thanksgiving but with pink eye and the flu and just never having the determination or creativity to finish it I'm finally posting. So, in the effort of always finishing what I start here are 27 Thanksgivings for the 27 years of my life.
- Deodorant. Can't even imagine the stench without it.
- Noah's independent spirit.
My incredible husband. He is truly the most tenderhearted, loving, compassionate, patience and Godly man that I have ever know. It's so easy to love him all the time.
Scott's job with Devine Automotive. Along with his hard work Devine makes it possible for me to be a full time Mommy and Wife.
- Forgiveness.
- The change of the seasons.
- Kids Tylenol and Motrin.
- Mac computers.
- Blogging. Love sharing our blessed life.
- The gym. Can't believe I listed that.
- Sushi. Yum-O!!!
- My Mommy. She is the personification of the woman in 1 Pet. 3:4 letting her adornment "be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."
My Daddy. Without his understanding, guidance and ability to train my heart to please God in everything I do I would be a disaster.
- Snow!!!!
- A church family which I've been able to experience the highs and lows with. Can't wait till we make it to Heaven together.
- God's inspired word which guides and directs my life.
- Monthly young ladies Bible class and all our participants. Couldn't do it without those girls. Love them!
- My incredible Mother-in-Law Becki. I can't even express my gratefulness and awe in her ability to raise my husband into the man he is today.
Times of trial. The Book of James (especially chapter 1) is one of my favorite passages.
- Sesame Street because sometimes Mommy just needs her son to sit still for an hour while she decompresses.
- Grandma AKA GG. She helps me to cherish the little moments and realize that my time with Noah passes quickly.
- Friends whom I can be myself around even when I'm a raving lunatic.
- My dishwasher, microwave, washer, dryer and hot shower. Love these modern conveniences.
- The ability to cry and laugh.
- Finger and temper paint. I love seeing all Noah's new creations.
Bath and story time. Scott takes on this duty every evening so I have a few minutes to myself.
- My sovereign and all powerful God. He guides my steps, blesses my life and makes me realize that this world is not my home.