Wow, mothering two is A LOT of work! I've been wanting to post but just have never found the time. We are having a blast being a family of four and are eating up every minute we have with our wonderful boys. Noah is a fantastic big brother and Josiah just thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Josiah is a sweet happy baby, as long as Mommy is holding him. I'm just eating up every minute of my time with him. Enjoy some pictures of the happenings around the Boutcher house this last month. We are so blessed!
Sacred Selections dinner in Folsom
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation outing with Daddy

1 comment:
So. Very. Cute! Believe me, I know about being to busy to post, and I'm a mother of only one! :) Josiah is growing so quickly! And that smile! Precious! And Noah is a cutey, as always. I love one of him on the horse. We'll have to get together again soon.
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